Book Blogger Confessions (9)

, by Kt Clapsadl

This meme is hosted by Tiger from Tiger's All Consuming Books and Karen from For What It's Worth on the first and third Monday of each month.

This week's question:

Blogger relationships: Are there blogs you visit and comment on because you like their style, voice etc.(maybe you even converse with the blogger on Twitter & Facebook) but those comments are never reciprocated on your blog?. Do you get a bit offended or do you understand that they may be busy? Or do you comment just because you like a post not expecting anything in return?

I have to be honest that I'm a REALLY bad non-commenter myself. I have a handful of blogs that I love and regularly stalk, but I still don't comment all that often. I just never seem to have anything meaningful to say, so I just keep quiet. I realize everyone loves comments, myself included, but it just isn't one of my strengths. I've tried so many times in the past to get better at commenting, but I haven't had much success. However, I do try and make the best effort to respond to comments on my blog unless they are overly generic, but even sometimes I get really behind on that as well. So, no I don't get offended at all when a comment isn't reciprocated. That would be a little too much of the Pot and Kettle issue for me.

Blogs I stalk:
Smash Attack Reads
All Things Urban Fantasy
Red Hot Books
Tynga's Reviews

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