Release Day Review: Push by Eve Silver

, by Kt Clapsadl

Push by Eve Silver
The Game #2

It’s either break the rules or die.

Miki Jones lives her life by her own strict set of rules, to keep control, to keep the gray fog of grief at bay. Then she’s pulled into the Game, where she—and her team—will die unless she follows a new set of rules: those set by the mysterious Committee.

But rules don’t mean answers, and without answers, it’s hard to trust. People are dying. The rules are unraveling. And Miki knows she’s being watched, uncertain if it’s the Drau or someone—something—else. Forced to make impossible choices and battling to save those she loves, Miki begins to see the Committee in a glaring new light.

And then the Game crosses a new boundary, pushes harder into Miki’s and her friends’ lives, and there’s nothing in the rules that can save them now.

Push is the sequel Rush fans will be screaming for.

One of the most impressive things about this series is how fast paced it is, which I love as it gives a thrilling ride while reading. Yet, even more important, that frenzy pace never once got too out of hand where it would have become too hard to follow. There was just the right amount of downtime and slower moments plus character development mixed in to keep things moving along perfectly. Trust me, this is one of those books that will suck you right in and when you finally emerge, time will have passed without you noticing. And for me, that's the best kind of read. 

I was really impressed with Miki's growth in PUSH. She's been through so much and obsessively tries to control her life, but if nothing else that's good has come from her being forced into the game, it's that she's learning to let some things go. She's made amazing steps towards learning where to push for that control and when to let things go that only serve to hold her back. Honestly, I'm surprised that she's doing so well. Most people would be in far worse shape, yet shes finding her way and taking charge. There was one scene where she stood up for herself and others despite facing certain death, and I wanted to give her a standing ovation. My kind of gal.

Fair warning, PUSH ends in a cliffhanger just like the first book. I'm not a fan of them, so when I finished RUSH, I had to give myself a few days before writing this review to allow my annoyance with the ending to settle in order for it to not color my review. I want a book to grab me enough on it's own merit rather than using a ploy to drag me into reading the next book. They just aren't necessary, and I especially think that's the case here. But, cliffhanger aside, much like the first installment PUSH is a very enjoyable and fast paced read that will appeal to YA fans who are looking for a fresh series that outside the box. 

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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Other Reviews:
     The Nocturnal Library
     Bloody Bookaholic
     My Guilty Obsession

Previous Books:
     1. Rush

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