Early Review: Fury by Rachel Vincent

, by Kt Clapsadl

Fury by Rachel Vincent
Menagerie #3

1986: Rebecca Essig leaves a slumber party early but comes home to a massacre—committed by her own parents. Only one of her siblings has survived. But as the tragic event unfolds, she begins to realize that other than a small army of six-year-olds, she is among very few survivors of a nationwide slaughter.

The Reaping has begun.

Present day: Pregnant and on the run with a small band of compatriots, Delilah Marlow is determined to bring her baby into the world safely and secretly. But she isn’t used to sitting back while others suffer, and she’s desperate to reunite Zyanya, the cheetah shifter, with her brother and children. To find a way for Lenore the siren to see her husband. To find Rommily’s missing Oracle sisters. To unify this adopted family of fellow cryptids she came to love and rely on in captivity.

But Delilah is about to discover that her role in the human versus cryptid war is destined to be much larger—and more dangerous—than she ever could have imagined.

How do you review a book and trilogy that on one hand kept you hooked from the very first page of book 1 until the last page of final book, yet leaves you feeling completely bereft in the end? The writing, story, and characters were all phenomenal, but I have more than a little bit of leanings towards bitterness with the way everything turned out in the end. I won't spoil things, but was the ending more realistic than many series that get wrapped up in a neat little bow in the end? Yes, perhaps. But I'll admit, I like my neat bows, and tidy endings as I read for an escape from reality. Fury's ending, while fitting for the series when I attempt to take an emotional step back, left me too raw to even grudgingly admit it could have been the right one. And perhaps that in itself is a win for the book. A book that doesn't emotionally grip you cannot never be fantastic, and this one, well lets just say it chewed me up and spat me out.

Getting past that ending and back to the rest of the actual book, FURY was told in alternating timelines, which I really enjoyed. The past timeline gave a better insight into the reaping, but also held very relevant to current events and situations. I really enjoyed the twists and turns these dual timelines revealed the further the book went along. Prior to this glimpse into the the time of the reaping it was easy to see humanity as evil based upon their treatment of the Cryptids. And yet with the new perspective and insight it became more gray. I'm not defending humanity in this book, but after seeing through someone's eyes "firsthand" it changed my perspective a bit. I don't condone the behavior, but a part of me understands that fear. Which again, that's a major compliment to Rachel's writing in her ability to make this reader feel so many different and complicated emotions.

Reservations on the ending aside, Rachel Vincent has written one heck of a profoundly thought provoking trilogy. I'm very glad I read this series and I highly recommend this read!

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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Other Reviews:
     Carina's Books
     Tome Tender
     Hidden in Pages

Previous Books:
     1. Menagerie
     2. Spectacle

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