It's Monday! What are you reading (29)

, by Kt Clapsadl

It's Monday! What Are You Reading, hosted by Book Journey, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Here's what I read this past week:

Blood Challenge (Lupi)American VampireBlood Wyne (Sisters of the Moon, Book 9)

Blood Challenge by Eileen Wilks (Review)
American Vampire by Jennifer Armintrout (Early Review)
Blood Wyne by Yasmine Galenorn (Review)

This week I read the latest installments in two of the series I love. Both were phenomenal and definitely lived up the the predecessors, even perhaps exceeding them. Blood Challenge had one heck of a whopper ending that left me reeling and desperate for the next installment. Blood Wyne shows the youngest sister finally conquering her demons, and accepting love, which made for an incredible read. I also read an advance copy of an upcoming paranormal romance called American Vampire. I hadn't read anything from this author yet, but based on this book, I'm going to have to check out her other books to see what I've been missing.

On a side note, I've gotten myself far enough scheduled out in advance that I can up my reviews to three posted a week. Unless things get too crazy this semester, I should be able to keep up. *Crosses Fingers*

My upcoming list:

Green Eyed Demon by Jaye Wells (Advance Copy)
The Iron Witch by Karen Mahoney
Pale Demon by Kim Harrison (Advance Copy)
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