Early Review: Poison Promise by Jennifer Estep
Poison Promise by Jennifer Estep
Elemental Assassin #11
In book eleven of her New York Times bestselling Elemental Assassin series, author Jennifer Estep continues “one of the best urban fantasy series going on the market” (Fresh Fiction).
Gin Blanco is hard-nosed, sexy, and lethal. Nicknamed “The Spider,” she’s a stone elemental assassin who brings her unique mix of magic and tact to every assignment, no matter the target.
There’s a new drug on the streets of Ashland, and its name “Burn” sums up the potent effect it has on its users. When one of her restaurant employees is threatened by dealers of the drug, Gin steps in to set things straight…
This series never stops amazing me. Every time I think Gin has overcome the worst that she can, yet another big and bad foe comes and one ups the last. Or perhaps it's not even that as I'm not quite sure this latest threat was really as bad as Mab Monroe was. But that's not what's important. What really matters is that each new big and bad doesn't feel like a repeat of the last. And that's why I love this series so much I think. Well aside from the absolutely fabulous cast of characters that it. But frankly even a phenomenal cast wouldn't be enough to keep this long of a series at the top of my all time favorites list. It's the fact that despite Gin being in the same near death situations over and over again, it never once has felt stale. When I sit down to read one of these books I know that I'm going to have a guaranteed block of entertainment, and POISON PROMISE more than delivered on that.
Another thing that continues to throw me for a loop are the character dynamics. Nothing is safe or stable as each time things start to feel comfortable, the rug is ripped out from under Gin. Early on it was things with Donavan, then it was things with her sister Bria, then Owen and Gin had one heck of a rough patch, with so many other rocky patches in between. This time is was a pretty important character relationship on the rocks that I won't spoil, but suffice it to say that Gin's world is turned upside down once again, proving that nothing is safe. Another thing was that Gin, despite having to "take out the trash" as she gets jumped almost daily, she's become complacent, and that all comes to a head in this book.
POISON PROMISE is a book of change and largely character dynamic driven that I thoroughly enjoyed. It's one heck of a ride from start to finish that is sure to please fans of the series. Trust me, you can't lose here.
(Received a copy from the publisher)
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Other Reviews:
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Previous Books:
1. Spider's Bite
2. Web of Lies
3. Venom
4. Tangled Threads
5. Spider's Revenge
6. By a Thread
7. Widow's Web
8. Deadly Sting