Review: Pia Does Hollywood by Thea Harrison
Pia Does Hollywood by Thea Harrison
Elder Races #8.6
After making a diplomatic pact with humankind and the other leaders of the Elder Races, Pia Cuelebre, mate to Dragos Cuelebre, Lord of the Wyr, reluctantly heads to Hollywood to spend a week with the Light Fae Queen, Tatiana, before the busy Masque season hits New York in December.
Dragos has never let the lack of an invitation stop him from doing anything he wanted. Unwilling to let his mate make the trip without him, he travels to southern California in secret to be with her.
But when an ancient enemy launches a shattering assault against the Light Fae, Dragos and Pia must intercede. The destruction threatens to spread and strike a mortal blow against all of the magically gifted, both human and Elder Race alike.
Working with the Light Fae to neutralize the danger, Dragos and Pia find their deepest vulnerabilities challenged and their most closely held secrets threatened with exposure.
I really love these novellas that bring us back to my favorite pair, Dragos and Pia. They always seem to get themselves in such a mess, and this time around is no exception. They really "stepped" in it this time, and I was thoroughly entertained watching their latest fiasco unravel. There's so much going on in this novella despite it's short length, and I found myself wishing for just a bit more by the end. Everything continued at a frenetic pace to the point where I wanted this to be a full length book and slow down to expand on things. Who am I kidding though... I'd find any reason to ask for a full length featuring Dragos and Pia. There's just something electric about the pair that keeps me wanting more. And I'm thankful for any tastes we get to see of the pair. So all in all, I highly recommend PIA DOES HOLLYWOOD to fans of the series. There's some pretty interesting and important reveals as well as a great deal of fun that you won't want to miss!
(Received a copy from the publisher)
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Other Reviews:
Love Affair with an e-Reader
Tome Tender
The Window Seat on a Rainy Day
Previous Books:
1. Dragon Bound
2. Storm's Heart
3. Serpent's Kiss
4. Oracle's Moon
5. Lord's Fall
6. Kinked
6.5. Dragos Takes a Holiday
6.6. Pia Saves the Day