Re-Read Review: My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent

, by Kt Clapsadl

My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent
Soul Screamers #2
(Re-Read Review)

When Kaylee Cavanaugh screams, someone dies.

So when teen pop star Eden croaks onstage and Kaylee doesn’t wail, she knows something is dead wrong. She can’t cry for someone who has no soul.

The last thing Kaylee needs right now is to be skipping school, breaking her dad’s ironclad curfew and putting her too-hot-to-be-real boyfriend’s loyalty to the test. But starry-eyed teens are trading their souls: a flickering lifetime of fame and fortune in exchange for eternity in the Netherworld—a consequence they can’t possibly understand.

Kaylee can’t let that happen, even if trying to save their souls means putting her own at risk..

Just like my first re-read review in this series, I feel the need to start off with a warning that this post is NOT a traditional review, and will be quite spoilery.  Also there will be a whole lot of ranting and bashing. I'm participating in the Soul Screamers Reading Challenge hosted by Fiktshun. You can either read the books for the first time, or re-read them, and I am doing the latter. I thought it would be fun to do a post of my thoughts about things the second time around with all of the knowledge of the following books. So again, I really would not recommend reading this review if you are not caught up in reading books one through five. You have been warned. ;)

Most of my ranting in the previous book's re-read review was centered around Kaylee's father and my general dislike for Nash. While her father will still be receiving a dose of my ire, Nash actually will be getting a reprieve as Tod is now on my crap list. Surprisingly even though I know where things are headed with Nash, I couldn't be angry with him quite yet as he was nothing but supportive in My Soul to Save. Tod, however was quite horrible to be honest. I had completely forgotten just how single-minded he was about saving Addison, even at Kaylee's expense. I just wanted to smack him upside the head. I understand just how much he wanted to save Addy, but he should never have let things go that far in putting Kaylee at risk. She almost died for goodness sakes! I have a feeling it is going to take me a while to forgive him again for this. But then again maybe not since the messy stuff with Nash should be coming soon. These boys sure are trouble!

As far as Kaylee's father goes, well I still have a pretty big problem with the way he acts towards Kaylee. I kinda feel like he gave up his rights to control her a very long time ago. I realize that Kaylee was in a whole lot of danger, and he just wants to protect her. However, Kaylee isn't the type of person who could live with herself if she didn't do everything she could to help someone. So her dad should realize this and be supportive of her, and protect her by helping her rather than trying to chain her down. Then again I guess none of us really see things clearly when it comes to protecting our children, so I guess I'll have to give him a little leeway.

Going to the Netherworld and meeting Avari was every bit as chilling as the first time around, perhaps even more so now that I have the knowledge of just what can happen. I seriously cringed multiple times throughout My Soul to Save, and I think that shows just how good this series is as it was able to affect me that much even the second time around. I can't wait to see what my re-read of the next installment will show.
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