Book Blogger Confessions (9)

, by Kt Clapsadl

This meme is hosted by Midnyte Reader and Karen from For What It's Worth on the first and third Monday of each month.

This week's question:

Blogger Envy: Do you have a bad case of blogger envy? Do you covet thy neighbor bloggers book hauls/follower numbers/blog design? How do you tamp down the green eyed monster?

Not usually, I more have the attitude of being happy and supportive of my bloggy friends. Sure there are times where I have a wistful sigh wishing I had gotten a certain book, but then I just take a step back and look at all the books that I do get and just be thankful for that. That being said I just love it when I see a blogger getting something they really wanted or getting quoted in a book *coughs Smash coughs* I know I get crazy excited when I'm quoted so it's great to see it happen for others too.

I do have some envy when I see a blogger getting a new and awesome design. I'd love to rehaul my website, but there's also a good bit of worry involved too, so I just chicken out. Also, there's a money issue there so since I think my design is pretty decent on its own I just let it. I guess I would say that I'm more jealous of their courage to take the plunge than anything.

There is one book that has caused a major case of Blogger envy, and that's Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi. When everyone came back from ALA with copies, I was insanely jealous. I would love to get my hands on that book, but alas it just isn't meant to be and I'll be waiting until release day impatiently.


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