Let's Talk With Smash & Kt (4)

, by Kt Clapsadl

Welcome to the Let’s Talk weekly discussion meme!

Originally hosted by Melissa from i swim for oceans, Smash & Kt took her original inspiration, and made it their own, expanding it to more than just books. Let’s get personal (but respectfully so) and learn more about one another!  Each week, a different question will be posted along with a place to link up your posts and visit other people’s responses.This meme is definitely meant to bring out conversation and meet new people. So, Let's Talk!  

This week's question:

Do you have any hobbies other than blogging/reading? How do you balance them along with all of life’s other responsibilities? Feel free to share pictures. (Thank you, Mandee/Books & Bling, April/My 5 Monkeys and Doville!)

This is going to sound terrible, but I really don't. Seriously, other than my family, my world really revolves around books and reading. Heck, I can't even say the TV as I hardly ever watch it. I mean even my job as a publicist leaves me surrounded by books. While the hubby and kids are out fishing, I'll pull up a lawn chair on the bank and read the afternoon away. So, when I say that I live and breathe books, I really mean it.

The only hobby I could really say other than reading and blogging would be my tinkering around with designing graphics. While this template was one of the free public ones originally, I have done a bit of changing them to make them my own. Mostly it was the text and colors and LOTS of coding changes, but to me it makes all the difference in the world.

(Notice the change in the menu at the top, the lack of social links on the left, also I tweaked the background colors in the images/post to make it easier on the eyes. I also added the signatures, and my text headers for Memes, Giveaways, etc.)

Also, I've done several blog tour badges for my author's tours I also designed the badge for this meme, which was a lot of fun. Here's my favorite so far:

Another thing that I designed was the badge for this meme. I will say that was a bit of a challenge to come up with an image that would work for both Smash's and my designs since they are so very different. I could have taken the easy way out and done something completely different, but I wanted something that would incorporate both designs and be completely "us".

  I'm rather happy with the outcome, and I hope you guys feel the same. :)

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