Book Blogger Confessions (11)

, by Kt Clapsadl

This meme is hosted by Tiger from Tiger's All Consuming Books and Karen from For What It's Worth on the first and third Monday of each month.

This week's question:

Dear Santa! What would you put on your blogging/bookish wish list if the sky was the limit? A new blog design? A house filled with new bookshelves? Even MORE books?

My dream is to have a room with floor to ceiling bookshelves that are completely full. Of course that means I would need a lot more books to fill them. Whenever we move, part of my shopping list for the new house is a bonus type room that I can have the hubby install a reading nook into/massive shelves.  Something like this would be awesome:
Photo credit to Trendir

Although that being said, I can't really complain too much about what I have as I'm pretty pleased with the shelves I have now. Check them out here.

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