DNF Mini Review: Touch by Michelle Sagara
Touch by Michelle Sagara
Queen of the Dead #2
Nathan died the summer before his final year in high school. But he wakes in his room—or in the shrine of his room his mother’s made—confused, cold, and unable to interact with anyone or anything he sees. The only clear memory he has is a dream of a shining city and its glorious queen, but the dream fades, until he once again meets his girlfriend Emma by the side of his own grave.
Nathan wants life. He wants Emma. But, even if Emma can deliver what he desires, the cost may be too high to pay...
I'm not sure what happened, but this series has completely derailed for me. I remember being completely engrossed in the first book. Sure, I was a bit frustrated with the slow pace of the world building, but the premise was great, and the characters were even better. However, this time around in TOUCH, it was incredibly hard to keep reading. It just lost that spark that drew me in the first time around. In fact, I would only get about 5-10% or so of the book read before literally falling asleep. It just couldn't keep my attention, and I only made it through 50% total over two weeks. This is very rare for me as a book typically takes me about 2-3 hours to devour. I really hate to give up considering how much I enjoyed the first book, and want to see what happens next, but I just can't seem to get any further. Everything just seemed disjointed from the characters to the multiple plot threads that didn't really jive together. Maybe I just wasn't in the right head-space for this book, but I just had to set it aside. I'll more than likely pick it back up sometime and at least skim to the end, as maybe things will turn around, but for now it just didn't work for me.
(Received a copy from the publisher)

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Previous Books:
1. Silence