Early Review: The Asylum Interviews: Bronx by Jocelynn Drake
The Asylum Interviews: Bronx by Jocelynn Drake
The Asylum Tales #0.5
In Low Town, where
humans walk and work side-by-side with elves, vampires, ogres, and all
manner of creature, it's understandable that people occasionally need a
little help in their lives. Whether is love, work, or ... other, tattoo
artists are there to try to help turn the odds into your favor. When
Gage's friend Parker needs help with his love life, tattoo artists Gage
and Bronx are only too happy to help. But the incubus ends up getting
more than he bargained for with his new tattoo, and his friends are
forced to scramble to fix the mess they've created before someone gets
I'm a huge fan of Jocelynn's Dark Days books, so now that they are over, I've been very eagerly anticipating this new series. However, there always is that worry in the back of my head that any author's new series will not live up to the high bar that they have previously set in another one. However, after reading this prequel novella, I have a feeling The Asylum Tales series will be every bit as good as the Dark Days books, if not even better. Gage is such an interesting character, and I really enjoyed the hints into his past that looks like it will play a large role in trouble in his future. I'm chomping at the bit to discover his secrets. As far as Bronx, well he's the cool calm and collected friend that everyone should have, at least anyone who seems as prone to get into trouble as Gage is. I have a feeling Bronx will be doing a whole lot of bailing out in the future.
I really enjoyed this novella, to the point where my anticipation for the first full installment in The Asylum Tales has increased tenfold. Considering how excited I already was, that is no small feat. I highly recommend The Asylum Interviews: Bronx as it is an entertaining sneak peak into a fascinating new world that will only leave you desperate for more.
(Received a copy from the publisher via Edelweiss)
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