Morgan Kingsley

, by Kt Clapsadl

I finished the last three books in the Morgan Kingsley series by Jenna Black. It seems the fifth book was the final in the series. The main plot crisis was resolved, but there are a few things that seem to be lacking. I think the relationship between Morgan and Lugh, her demon, could have been more firmly resolved. Lugh may love her, but she continues to hold him "at arms length" even though she cares for him deeply. I just wish their relationship would have solidified more.

Yesterday my mom and tore my house apart. It was crazy messy from moving the bed downstairs so everything has kinda been "in limbo" for a few months. Well, now everything is all organized. But man am I sore! Lifting and moving furniture and boxes is not fun.

I'm not really sure what I want to read next. There are a couple series that I feel I am still hanging, just waiting for the next book to come out and answer questions. Its making it hard for me to get into another series at the moment. I'm torn between Jeanne C Stein's Anna Strong Series and Vicki Pettersson's Zodiac Series. Oh well, I'll figure it out later. I need to take my final today, so enough on here. ;)
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