Early Review: Daylighters by Rachel Caine
Daylighters by Rachel Caine
Morganville #15
While Morganville, Texas, is often a troubled town, Claire Danvers and her friends are looking forward to coming home. But the Morganville they return to isn’t the one they know; it’s become a different place—a deadly one…
Something drastic has happened in Morganville while Claire and her friends were away. The town looks cleaner and happier than they’ve ever seen it before, but when their incoming group is arrested and separated—vampires from humans—they realize that the changes definitely aren’t for the better.
It seems that an organization called the Daylight Foundation has offered the population of Morganville something they’ve never had: hope of a vampire-free future. And while it sounds like salvation—even for the vampires themselves—the truth is far more sinister and deadly.
Now, Claire, Shane and Eve need to find a way to break their friends out of Daylighter custody, before the vampires of Morganville meet their untimely end…
Claire and her friends always thought the biggest threat in Morganville was the vampires, but when they return home and find the town controlled by humans, they realize just how wrong they are. In their absence, the Daylighter Foundation took over the town and rounded up the vampires into an enclave, forcing a "cure" down their throats that kills more often than not, one vamp at a time. While most of the town feels happy about their new found safety, Claire and her friends know better as things aren't as they seem. As they say, better the devil you know...
I do not even know where to start with this review as series ending books are so hard to talk about without spoiling, so I guess I'll just have to be vague. Unfortunately that tends to lead to a fair amount of incoherent gushing, so bear with me.
In true Morganville style, this book takes off with a bang and keeps the action steady throughout. But just like the other installments, there is plenty of emotion and moments of levity in between, which honestly makes the series for me. As I was reading DAYLIGHTERS I couldn't help but to think back to who the characters were when this all began, and honestly I'm amazed at how much they have grown. My first reaction would be to say that it's Claire who's grown the most, but really it's all of them from the Glass House residents even to the vampires, Amalie, Oliver, and of course Myrnin. Honestly this kind of character progression is exactly how it should be done, and I'm so glad I got to experience this.
Just when I think Rachel Caine has hit her limit with the intensity of a plot or the evilness of a villain, she completely outdoes herself yet again. Honestly several times throughout DAYLIGHTERS I just had to shake my head in awe at my reaction to what was going on. I mean, you thought the vamps were bad? Psh, they are nothing compared to the Daylight Foundation and the horror that they have turned Morganville into. Sure if Claire and Co had of been willing to hope on the genocide bandwagon things probably would have been a bit easier for them, but as they weren't things got rather hairy more than a few times. I was literally on the edge of my seat the entire time while reading this, and it made for one heck of a read.
As far as the ending, well I can honestly say that it was one of the best series enders I have ever read. Seriously, it was perfect, and I wish so much that I could gush all about it, but again to avoid spoilers, I'll refrain. Suffice it to say that it does the journey we have been building to over 15 books more than the justice it deserves, and this reader is one happy camper. While I'm sad to being saying goodbye this much loved series, Rachel Caine gave it the perfect send off and I can't recommend it any higher. Morganville fans, this is the book you have been waiting for!
(Received a copy from the publisher)

Other Reviews:
Hope to Read
Books With Bite
A Soul Unsung
Previous Books:
Glass Houses
Dead Girls Dance
Midnight Alley
Feast of Fools
Lord of Misrule
Carpe Corpus
Fade Out
Kiss of Death
Ghost Town
Bite Club
Last Breath
Black Dawn
Bitter Blood