Interview with Nikki Rae

, by Kt Clapsadl

*Where did you get the inspiration for the Sunshine Series?

The Sunshine Series came from many different places. The initial seed that made me want to explore this idea more started to grow when I went on vacation with my family when I was around fourteen and got really bad sun poisoning. I began to wonder what it would be like if something like that happened to a person every time they came in contact with the sun.

* How many books are planned for the series? Any hints for what's next?

There are three books in this series, and I’m in the process of editing the final book now. It’s intense, and nearly every question is finally answered…and not all of those answers are pretty. After that, there’s going to be a horror/suspense novel that centers around a few characters from this series, but readers won’t have to read The Sunshine Series to understand it.

*If your books were to be made into a movie, who would be your top picks for the cast?

Oh, I am SO bad at picking people to play my characters. There is no one person that can embody them because they are made up of a lot of different traits from a lot of different types of people. I guess my vague answer would be this: anyone who can portray real emotions and take the viewer along with them. That’s all I can hope for while writing the book, so it’s all I would be able to hope for if said book was made into a movie.

*Could you tell us a little about the ups and downs you have experienced in publishing?

Most of my downs happened early on and stemmed from self-doubt. Once I got over that (hint, you never REALLY get over that), I had, and still continue to have, many ups. People I don’t know message me to say how much they like my work. I’ve met a lot of authors and bloggers and really awesome people. I’ve gotten to speak about my experience in self-publishing at colleges. It’s been so much more than anything I could have ever expected.

*What are some of your favorite books in the paranormal genre?

I have so many! I guess the top ones are:
The Tale Of The Body Thief by Anne Rice, The Mara Dyer Series by Michelle Hodkin, and The Swoon series by Nina Malkin.

*If you could tell readers one thing about yourself or your books, what would that be?

At first glance, you might think you know what it’s all about, but there is a lot more under the surface. ;)

*What is the craziest or at least most interesting thing you have ever done?

Oh, I don’t have anything crazy. I’m probably the least interesting person like, ever. When I have free time, all I do is read or watch Netflix. The craziest thing I’ve ever done is probably not that crazy at all and always involves leaving my comfort zone. For example, if someone is driving me around and we already have set plans, but they suddenly want to be spontaneous and do something like go to the beach instead, that’s as crazy as my life gets.

*Finish this statement: "You'll like the Sunshine Series if...

You like books with strong female leads, dark themes, magical realism, and/or stories about how much hell a person can go through and still come out human on the other side.
Thanks Nikki!

Author Info:

Nikki Rae is a student and writer who lives in New Jersey. She is an independent author and has appeared numerously on Amazon Best Seller lists. She is the author of The Sunshine Series and concentrates on making her imaginary characters as real as possible. She writes mainly dark, scary, romantic tales, but she’ll try anything once. When she is not writing, reading, or thinking, you can find her spending time with animals, drawing in a quiet corner, or studying people. Closely.

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18 year old Sophie Jean is pretty good at acting normal. Sure, she’s not exactly happy, but happiness is nothing compared to being like everyone else. She can pretend she’s not allergic to the sun. She can hide what her ex-boyfriend did to her. She can cover up the scars she’s made for herself. Ignore anything. Forget anything. Then Myles enters her life, and he has more than a few secrets of his own. When accident after accident keeps happening to Sophie, she can’t help noticing that he’s everywhere. That he knows too much. That she’s remembering too much.

It’s one thing covering up her own dark past, but does she really need to worry about people finding out just how much Myles likes her? Or that despite how much she doesn’t want to repeat past mistakes, she kind of likes him back? Not to mention the fact that she now has to conceal that Myles drinks blood-that he says he’s about four hundred years old.

She almost forgot about that part.

But Sophie has no plans to ruin the normal life she has created for herself. She can deal with this little glitch, no problem. Even if word has gotten around to the wrong vampire about Sophie and Myles, even if she’s putting the few people she loves at risk. Suddenly, those who were monsters before are just people, and the monsters? They’re real. Now being a normal human being is the least of her problems. Now she has to stay alive.

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